Registration Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Membership must be current. If you're not a member of EVMTA, please contact the chairperson before completing the registration form. Teacher Info First Name* Last Name* Email* Phone Number* Address* Number of Entries* Total Registration Amt To Be Paid APPLICATION FEES: Categories A & B - $35 Categories C & D - $40 Categories E & F - $45 Piano Duets - $50 per duo TIME ALLOTMENT: Category A - 6 minutes Category B - 8 minutes Category C - 10 minutes Category D - 12 minutes Category E - 15 minutes Category F - 20 minutes Piano Duet - 8 minutes Student Info Solo Contestant or Piano Duet* —Please choose an option—SoloDuet First Name (based on birth certificate)* Last Name (based on birth certificate)* Parent's Name* Parent's Email* Length of Study with Teacher* Student Birthdate* Age Category* (Ages are as of 3/1/25. First place winners from the previous year must enter the next highest category) —Please choose an option—Category A - 7 & underCategory B - 8 & 9Category C - 10 & 11Category D - 12 & 13Category E - 14 & 15Category F - 16-18 The information you input for the pieces below will be directly used in the program. Please ensure accuracy when entering the details. Baroque or Classical work Title* (Include opus or catalogue numbers) Composer* (Use the first initial followed by the last name. e.g., F. Chopin) Piece Length* (e.g., 5min 30sec --> 5:30) Romantic or Modern work Title* (Include opus or catalogue numbers) Composer* (Use the first initial followed by the last name. e.g., F. Chopin) Piece Length* (e.g., 5min 30sec --> 5:30) Duet Partner #1 First Name (based on birth certificate)* Last Name (based on birth certificate)* Parent's Name* Parent's Email* Length of Study with Teacher* Student Birthdate* Duet Partner #2 First Name (based on birth certificate)* Last Name (based on birth certificate)* Parent's Name* Parent's Email* Length of Study with Teacher* Student Birthdate* Duet Piece Info The information you input for the piece below will be directly used in the program. Please ensure accuracy when entering the details. Title* (Include opus or catalogue numbers) Composer* (Use the first initial followed by the last name. e.g., F. Chopin) Piece Length* (e.g., 5min 30sec --> 5:30) + Add Student/Duet - Remove Student/Duet Teacher Participation Select which best applies to you: Current MemberNew Member/Reinstating Member On which EVMTA Committee(s) did you actively participate since this event was held last year? (Paid duty and future promises do not count as volunteering.) Future participation after this event will count for the following year. Please note that active participation does not mean putting your students into an event, but it does mean you're personally giving your time to help organize and run an event. Select all that apply* Organ Stop Pizza PartyFall RecitalMusic ShowcaseComposers Celebration ConcertPiano EnsemblePiano CompetitionPrize Piano PerformersSpring RecitalSenior Awards/RecitalASP (Other than Judging)AdvertisingBoard memberOther (Indicate below in How did you help?) How did you help? List the dates (give month) of meetings attended in 12 months prior to the date of this event.* Are you a university student or employed so that you are not able to attend meetings? —Please choose an option—YESNO On which two committees did you serve? I would like to volunteer for the following event(s). Please note that active participation does not mean putting your students into an event, but it does mean you're personally giving your time to help organize and run an event. Select all that apply* Organ Stop Pizza PartyFall RecitalMusic ShowcaseComposers Celebration ConcertPiano EnsemblePiano CompetitionPrize Piano PerformersSpring RecitalSenior Awards/RecitalASP (Other than Judging)AdvertisingBoard memberOther (Indicate below in Comments field) Comments: Acknowledgements Have all students you are registering for this event signed the Media Authorization and Release form.* —Please choose an option—YESNO List the students who chose not to sign the Media Authorization and Release form: Click here to acknowledge you have read all of the Teacher/Student Responsibility guidelines. Please notify/share this information with your students and parents. Click here to acknowledge you have read the EVMTA Cancellation Policy. Please notify/share this information with your students and parents. Summary Please check the information below. You will be emailed a copy of this registration information as well. If everything looks correct, press "Submit Registration" below. After clicking on Submit, you will be taken to the Registration Payment site to pay for your registration. Summary Previous stepNext step Δ